The second edition of “RummyBo” campaign by one of the leading online multi-gaming platforms, RummyBo, has kicked off with Shah Rukh Khan as a brand ambassador. The ad went viral among all his fans, and a new one was released shortly after, with all the fans asking him to play different games available on the platform. The advertisement is telecasted all over the country through various mediums like OTTs & OLVs, and other traditional methods and will surely hype up fans for the new campaign. This ad for the campaign was also made keeping the upcoming festival in the country and the T20 Cricket World Cup in mind, a time when everyone in the country comes together to celebrate. RummyBo is owned by Head Digital Works, an internet-based gaming enterprise that owns other online gaming platforms like FanFight and Another campaign by Rummy Bo has also been launched called “Responsible Gaming,” showing how users can become responsible and set daily limits on the amount they use while playing. VP of Marketing Gunnidhi Singh Sareen at Head Digital Works said. “Both festivals and cricket have a huge sentimental value attached to them for the people of our nation. These are times when people across age groups and cultures come together to celebrate the spirit of victory. With it being the holiday season, people love spending some time entertaining themselves. With the 2nd edition of our ‘RummyBo’ campaign, our focus is to appeal to this vibe of togetherness. With Shah Rukh talking about playing together, I am confident we are hitting the sweet spot. ” Shah Rukh Khan also commented on the new campaign saying, “RummyBo always has a unique stance on how to picture the joy of playing with your friends and family, which everyone will witness in these ads. Working with them on the new ‘RummyBo’ campaign was as fun as actually playing online games on the RummyBo app.”